Meeting: Monday September 30th
Ashawagh Hall 7PM
Reconnect – Discuss all topics/plans – Refreshments
All on the agenda for this meeting are early goose season, summer recreational lobstering tales, early bow, Maidstone updates, a members-only skeet outing in October, future plans for the annual Kids Fishing Trip, a pheasant hunt in November and an incredible free two day waterfowl training for youth ages 12-15. Plus, an open forum for all of your own comments and suggestions.
Dues and Finances
Our dues are only $30 per year ($50/2 years, $500 lifetime) and provide bare bones support of EHSA’s mission to further the sporting life here and help protect sportsmens’ rights when necessary. A great many of you are past due, and given the minor expense and the major societal threat to our mission, we are asking everyone to click here now and get current.
There is no change, and there are no payments due, for Lifetime members. For one and two year memberships, if you think you are behind on dues, you probably are, so please make the job of calling lapsed members individually easier by renewing now.
Importantly, when (not if) anti-sporting initiatives arise locally, the number of paid up bona fide members is a matter of credibility when EHSA organizes to get our voices heard. Don’t come to meetings or actually do much with the Alliance? Consider paying your modest dues anyway, as a token of support for the sporting life here and sportsmen’s rights. Or make a donation. If EHSA did not exist over the years, there would be no spring turkey season here and deer hunting would be seriously curtailed.
Dues go toward subsidies on youth education programs (like the Kids Fishing trip), modest subsidies on member outings, like goose hunts and deep sea fishing (funding has not allowed this in recent years), occasional sponsorships consistent with our mission and admin costs such as insurance.
Membership dues will now be payable/renewable on a once per year cycle – by October 15th, supported by a concerted membership drive like this one.
East Hampton Sportsmens’ Alliance
Board of Directors
Terry O’Riordan
Louis Forte
Bill O’Leary
Rob Stanich
Patrick Furlong
Brace Krag