
We are fortunate to have extensive hunting acreage and typically supportive local government.   Nonetheless, on occasion the winds blow in a direction unfavorable to local sportsmen.  The EHSA’s status as an alliance of respected and respectful local sportsmen provides a unified voice.  EHSA members sit on a number of official town committees and have been a force in public debates when circumstances require it.


In 2023 EHSA defeated the Town’s stated intent to ban the new state-wide spring turkey hunting season.

For the 2023 local town board election, ESHA hosted a non partisan  EH Town Board ‘Meet the Candidates’ night.

From 2022 on, EHSA has participated in advocacy and  support for the Maidstone Gun Club. Ongoing.

In 2019 , EHSA defended Deer Hunting (again): EHSA defeated another initiative to ban weekend deer hunting.

In 2016 EHSA defended Deer Hunting: EHSA defeated a well-organized initiative to ban weekend deer hunting.

Cooperation with local government: Presence on the Town’s Wildlife, Nature Preserve and Trails Advisory Committees.

Environmental/Anti-Litter Activism: In cooperation with the EH Litter Action Committee.
The decision was reversed
Not even a Member
Captain Joe McBride
Girl Power