Category Archives: Announcements

January 2025 Waterfowl Report

As I reflect on the successes and challenges of the waterfowl season on the east end, one word comes to mind: Ice.

The pictures below capture the essence of our second half of the season quite well. The good news is highly localized birds, the bad news is lots of frozen real estate. If you have blinds pretty much anywhere, you can relate. The winners this month are the boat blind hunters. Sneakboxes remain my favorite for adaptability and invisibility. This year, boat hunting is a critical success factor since finding unfrozen launch ramps can usually be achieved. 

There is always open water somewhere, the question is, where? Three Mile Harbor and the main part of East Harbor/Accabonac by Louse Point remain accessible for launching via the Hands Creek ramp and Louse Point put-in (I call it that because it’s really more a hard packed  beach).

The ducks reported and actually seen by locals in-the-know and blind mounted trail cameras are the usual suspects: Black Ducks, Mallards, Widgeon, Screwdrivers (mergansers- called that due to their profile), Bufflehead and Broadbill. Sea ducks are around, but not what I’d call abundant: Long-tailed ducks, Scoter and Eider all on the big water.  In general, everyone with an opinion (which is 100% of waterfowlers) says that ducks are down and geese are strong, but localized. Avian influenza seems to be one theory, but it’s always multi-factorial. 

I spend an inordinate amount of time scouting, but the job got a bit easier via camera. I check Hamptons live cameras constantly, as well as the feed from my  Moultrie trail cameras. I’d like to see more public wildlife/waterfowl live cameras installed in East Hampton, but like everything, it’s a matter of money.

The high point of my season, besides building blinds, was our ESHA December goose hunt in Watermill with Duane Arnister, master guide.
If you haven’t hunted over “stuffers” (actual taxidermy geese), try it with him. It’s an experience that few will ever have. Over the last several decades, at roughly the rate of a dozen a season, he has built and preserved a colossal flock of stuffed birds which are lovingly managed and cared for like the waterfowl heirlooms that they are. I felt like I was a character from Eugene Connett’s epic waterfowling book, “Gunning the Atlantic Flyway.” Pick up a copy if you haven’t read it, it’s my waterfowling bible.

Feel free to share your stories, success and perspectives. This is just one obsessed man’s opinion.  The truth lies somewhere in the consensus, and I always want to learn and be held accountable.

Until next time, Happy Waterfowling.

Brace Krag

Waterfowl Chairman  
East Hampton Sportsmen’s Alliance

East Hampton Town Board Unanimously Approved Turkey Hunting on Town Lands this May

On Tuesday 4/11 the East Hampton Town Board voted unanimously to permit Turkey hunting to residents with a town hunting permit on the town lands that already permit small game hunting.  Thank you to the Maidstone Gun Club, the Montauk Boatmen and Captains Association, and every other local institution that came out in our support. The town lands will however be closed to hunting beginning the Thursday before Memorial Day.
Our 4/24 meeting will be a SIX (6) PM at Ashawagh Hall featuring guest speaker and Turkey Hunting expert Brian Leslie.  We will also have Turkey meat snacks thanks to a Wild Fall Turkey generously donated to EHSA by Rich Hamilton.

MGC Needs Your Help – Legal Defense Fund

The Maidstone Gun Club, where many of us socialize and practice shooting, is under attack by outside forces.  They have created a separate account  for the sole purpose of managing and maintaining their ongoing substantial expenses to defend the club.

Please consider donating to the fund. No amount is too small. Donations can be sent to PO Box 1588, East Hampton, NY 11937. Checks should be made payable to Maidstone Gun Club Legal Defense Fund.

Should you wish to make a cash donation or inquire about wire transfers, please reach out to Stephanie via phone: 631-537-7887 or email:

EHSA Meeting Mon July 25th *SCOVILLE HALL* 7pm Guest Speaker Mike Wright, Author of “In the Field” EH Press

Monthly Meeting of the #EastHamptonSportsmensAlliance
Mon July 25th 7:00 pm
SCOVILLE HALL (NOTE CHANGE IN VENUE),  17 Meetinghouse Lane, Amagansett


GUEST SPEAKER: @mikeinthefield Mike Wright, Author of “In The Field” weekly at Mike will discuss local fishing action and best practices for releasing sportfish unharmed

#fieldtofork #goosehunting #goose #geese #ducks #duckhunting #hunting #longislandny #southfork #learntohunt #montauk #springs #amagansett #wainscott #sagharbor #hamptons #bonac #outdoors #sportinglife #sportsmen #hamptonshunting

EHSA April Meeting Mon 4/25 7pm Guest Speaker Dan Rogers, Esq re: Truck Buck

The EHSA Monthly Membership Meeting is on Monday, April 25th, 2022 @ 7:00pm, Ashawagh Hall, Springs

Special Guest Speaker: Dan Rogers, Esq.

Dan Rogers is representing local Baymen & people who have and are still challenging the judicial system about access to “Truck Beach”, Amagansett, NY.

This issue can have far reaching impacts on some of the traditions that Town residents have enjoyed for generations as far as access to waterfront/beach-like lands for recreational and/or commercial use of marine waters in our Town.

Hope to see y’all there!
EHSA Board of Directors