Category Archives: Wildlife

Fly Fishing at Connetquot , Turkey Season, Dues April 2024

Saturday April 20, 2024
7:00am to 2:00pm

Stocked fresh water flyfishing is not immediately available in town, so this is an opportunity to do something different on a spring Saturday morning, with all the details sorted out by EHSA.    The trout fishing season began on April 1, and trout stocking began in March and runs through early June.  The Connetquot receives 3,000-4,000 stocked brown and rainbow trout annually at this time, as well as hosting a wild brook trout population. Meet to carpool, or drive direct (1.5 hours drive). Cost: $25 per person for NYS permit; reserved spot. Gear:  Conventional fly-fishing equipment required.  Don’t have it?  For thirty-four bucks you can be kitted out like a pro.  

Spring Turkey Season!

Wednesday, May 1 opens the spring turkey season and continues on Town lands through Wednesday May 22nd – just before Memorial Day weekend – then resumes for May 28-31.  Last spring a total of 2,000 people registered to hunt on state lands alone in Suffolk County, and zero hunting safety incidents were reported. As a reminder, hunting is only until noon each day and one bearded bird per season is the limit.   

Local town lands are open to turkey hunting, where already designated for small game hunting.  No reservation or registration is required. 

Private land is huntable where not otherwise prohibited.   In East Hampton itself, the only state land offering turkey hunting is Barcelona Neck, where DEC requires spring turkey hunters to register and make a reservation.  Starting April 22nd, hunters can call the DEC at 631-380-3312 to secure a spot at Barcelona or other sites  managed by the DEC.  

Suffolk County has added spring turkey on selected parcels (Buckskill, Six Pole in EH), versus nothing last year. There is a sign up and lottery and green key requirement, all detailed here.    

Mentored Turkey Hunt for Youth

April 17 training, then April 20 or 21 in the field.

Registration closes April 10.  Licensed youth hunters 12-15 are eligible for free expert guided individual Turkey hunts, offered by the DEC. They recruit multiple veteran hunters to take kids out and share their knowledge.   Register or get more information here.   

Dues – New System

To streamline the process for all, and to tidy up finances, EHSA membership dues will now be payable/renewable once per year – on September 30th. This way we only need to conduct one membership renewal drive each year.

There is no change, and there are no payments due, for Lifetime members.

If your membership expires in 2025 or 2026, your next payment will be due Sept 30th, 2025 or Sept 30th, 2026, respectively. 

New Members paying initial dues prior to Sept 30th are exempted in the year that they join.

Same for members who choose to renew early, which they are always free to do here.

Not sure if you owe? Ask your status with a quick note to Rob Stanich.

Don’t come to meetings or actually do much with the Alliance?  Consider paying your modest dues anyway, as a token of support for the sporting life here and sportsmen’s rights.  If EHSA did not exist, the spring turkey season discussed above would not exist in East Hampton.    

East Hampton Sportsmen’s Alliance Board of Directors

Terry O’RiordanLouis Forte
Bill O’Leary
Rob Stanich
Patrick Furlong

Minutes from the March meeting can be found here.

The next membership meeting is Monday April 29th.  

calendar march
fly fish 1

East Hampton Town Board Unanimously Approved Turkey Hunting on Town Lands this May

On Tuesday 4/11 the East Hampton Town Board voted unanimously to permit Turkey hunting to residents with a town hunting permit on the town lands that already permit small game hunting.  Thank you to the Maidstone Gun Club, the Montauk Boatmen and Captains Association, and every other local institution that came out in our support. The town lands will however be closed to hunting beginning the Thursday before Memorial Day.
Our 4/24 meeting will be a SIX (6) PM at Ashawagh Hall featuring guest speaker and Turkey Hunting expert Brian Leslie.  We will also have Turkey meat snacks thanks to a Wild Fall Turkey generously donated to EHSA by Rich Hamilton.

2021-22 East Hampton Town Hunting Guide

An Enduring East Hampton Tradition

Hunting in East Hampton Town is a tradition that dates back to the middle 1600’s when the area was first settled.

Before the first three hundred years of Long Island and New York State’s existence, there was very little in the way of conservation or hunting regulation.

Many game and waterfowl species, which we refer to today as nongame species (hawks, owls, songbirds, shorebirds, and the like) were hunted to the verge of extinction.

Today, hunting is no longer a means of survival, but is an outdoor sport, one highly regulated by the federal and state governments. Hunting rules and regulations are set by the state and enforced by state conservation officers, as well as federal Fish and Wildlife agents, where migratory birds are concerned. Hunting is still a popular sport, and everyone who hunts in New York today must have an up-to-date state hunting license

Who Can Hunt?

Only East Hampton Town residents or taxpayers and their
guests (with a Town guest license) can hunt big game on East Hampton Town lands. Permanent tree stands or ground blinds are not permitted and will be removed outside of hunting seasons. Small game may be hunted by anyone with a valid New York State hunting license.


To hunt deer in East Hampton Town a hunter needs to have a Town access permit and/or landowner’s endorsement form from the Town Clerk’s office in his or her possession in addition to a valid state hunting license. When hunters are bow hunting on Town/County co-owned lands, they must park in designated parking areas and display a copy of their Town landowner’s endorsement form in their windshield.

For State lands, and “cooperative hunting areas” which include state, county and municipal holdings as an aggregate and the big game hunting on them is managed by the state, each hunter needs to be signed up with the State and assigned a designated parking and hunting area before hunting.

The East Hampton Town Trustees have jurisdiction for hunting that takes place on their lands, which they hold in commonality for the towns-people.


Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease – EHD


Hemorrhagic disease is a general term for illness caused by TWO DIFFERENT VIRUSES that are related; Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease virus (EHD) or bluetongue virus (BT).

EHD primarily affects WHITE-TAILED DEER and can cause significant mortality events, particularly in the northern United States. Mule deer and pronghorn antelope are also affected. Neither EHD or BT are a disease of humans.

CLINICAL SIGNS in white-tailed deer usually begin approximately 7 days after infection with the virus. They may have reduced appetite, weakness, and loss of fear of humans. Fever and edema are common and deer with EHD often have a swollen head, neck, tongue, or eyelids.